Saturday, November 3, 2012

False Feedback

  Lately we've been spending a large amount of time working out variations of technique applications (that we've been asked about). This can be a result of students inquiries, but often coming from ourselves as well (the standard “yeah, but what if?” type stuff, LOL).
  A number of these have been from way-out in Left field, but there have also been some that have been fairly common situations (that we simply hadn't considered before).
  With a few of them, we had encountered (self-imposed?) road-blocks, where we had become perplexed at what/how to respond/react to the presented situations. What was usually discovered, was that they (only) required viewing them with a more simplistic eye, to realize what was required to defeat them (while allowing ourselves to attain control over the uke/aggressor).
  That practice has lead to the inclusion of those responses/techniques into our Student Technique Manual. We're in the process of shooting a whole new barrage of photographs to be included in this text (and we're using our “in-house” professional photographer to do the photo work, LOL).
  As part of that update, we're including these new applications, as well as more concise explanations of the preexisting techniques (already) contained within the text. We've also been considering how we want to present it (soft-cover?, bound-loose leaf?, digital?). We have numerous possible formats available (we will have to decide what we can afford as well as being the most practical, LOL).
  Aside from the techniques, the majority of the updates will be concerning the student's understanding of correct practice methods. What we're encountering isn't (so-much) of an inability to perform the/a (basic) techniques application, as an ignorance of what should be expected (as well as a concern for) in the reactions created from the techniques application.
  This was how/where we developed our 6 Basic Tuite Principles. If/when the tori (student) doesn't get the expected result (from the Tuite application), the tori should be able to utilize those principles to determine what was done incorrectly.
  What we're encountering with student's (from outside of our own schools) is a limited understanding of what/how the uke/aggressor should be reacting (to the applied technique).
  Not just because the student caused any response (with the technique), should it be considered to be a correct response. I witness this very problem on the internet every time I see some yahoo attempting one of our/Oyata's Tuite techniques.
  I've listened to the statements (being made, including within the association, by association members) that student's shouldn't have to (be forced to?) work on Tuite at the seminars. Uh, is it just me that see's this as being a false concern?
  I get approached (A LOT) via E-mail to teach Tuite (that's why I'm waiting on the rewrite of the “Dojo Handbook” so I can see what the association rules are going to be for doing seminars within the association). My associate and I are more than ready to demonstrate/teach our methodology to the other association schools.
  Every time that we've demonstrated any of our methodology, we've drawn a crowd of interested students. Of late it's only been my associate that has attended any of the “official” functions (no money available on my part, to be able to attend, LOL). At each that we have attended, he, I or both of us, have drawn a crowd of interested students (most of which were kyu-rank, but not all, LOL).
 Our desire is to (initially) begin teaching our 6 Basic Tuite Principles to association members, then begin reinforcing the performance of the basic Tuite techniques. Considering what's being taught (throughout the industry), we believe that the   Association members should be (and/or become) the most proficient at those techniques (considering Taika was who introduced those techniques to begin with).

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