Wednesday, July 3, 2013


 For the most part, I've come to the conclusion that the majority of persons who study a martial art (and partake in some manner of limb manipulation, have no idea how to implement "Tuite" (Taika Seiyu Oyata's methodology of limb manipulation) correctly.
 For the majority of those individual's, this comes from an incorrect application of the techniques (usually from the misunderstanding of what is required to implement those techniques to begin with).
 For whatever reasons, there (now) appears to be a (sudden?) interest growing in our 6 Principles of Tuite. I find this interesting, only in in regards to the fact that we've been utilizing them for over 10 years.
 From conversations I've had with students, from inquiry's being made to me and even with conversations with passing acquaintances, there may have been some confusion on some peoples part, because of the "9 principles" being pushed by some of the "wanna-be" groups (who are usually trying to emphasize "Kyusho" as being "their" supposed talent). 
 A large portion of the organization that we have been affiliated with do not use the "6" Principles either (through no fault of their own, they're just not familiar with them).
 Those (supposed) "9 principles" of those other groups, are nothing but a collection of vague guidelines that are subject to numerous interpretations (for which few, if any are of any applicable value). I believe that is where the real distinction lies (between the the two sets). Each of ours are directly applicable to the performance of the instructed techniques.
 Regardless of the practitioner's ability level, or of the individual technique, our 6 principles can be utilized for training, research and instructional purposes, and require only a minimal amount of instruction time (to understand how to utilize them). 
 Each are simplistic in their explanation, but provide the user with exceptional insight into the performance of tuite techniques. Our "standard" training procedure is to provide a brief overview of all 6 of those principles, then provide a (more) detailed instruction for the utilization of each individual principle. 
 This is commonly accomplished through the performance of several introductory (i.e. "simple") tuite techniques. Our preferred technique for the demonstration of each of those principles, is (what "we" refer to as) the "Push-Catch" technique (also often called a "palm-press"). 
  Whether this technique is being performed correctly (which it most often isn't), or incorrectly, it (obviously) demonstrates each of the instructed principles (which makes it one of the easiest methodologies to utilize for instructive purposes).
  In addition to these principle's use for correcting one's technique application, we (additionally) use them for our own technique research. If/when we happen on a technique that we believe may have validity (or even potential), we will use the 6 Tuite Principles to see if it will "fail" (because of any "weakness/fault" that wasn't initially recognized). Using this method, we have "debunked" numerous techniques (both of our own, and those of "others").
  These 6 Principles are a collection of the guidance that was provided by Taika (to us) during his instruction of his techniques. They were not provided all at one time, but over a (total) period of 30+ years.
 These principles were often heard, but not always adhered to (by Taika's students). All that we have done, is to collect them into a (cohesive) set of application principles for use by students in their practice of the instructed techniques (and additionally for use within the research/debunking pertaining to any "new" techniques that may be discovered). 
  From what we have observed (regarding the use/implementation of "tuite" techniques), the majority of practitioner's (of our system, as well as that of "others") are attempting to "muscle" their subject's/uke's into compliance. 
  Unfortunately, the majority of person's performing these (types of) techniques are simply attempting to create a "pain" reaction in their subjects. This is a completely incorrect response. Though offering a superficial feed-back (that doesn't accomplish any real defensive/controlling result), it can become a non-productive (and misleading obsession) as well.
 Until a student understands how to utilize these types of techniques to augment their total defensive ability, they are doing little more than attempting to torture their subjects (and not in any manner that would be considered productive). 
 Of course there are numerous (additional) factors that are relevant to the ability to control an uke during a tuite application, but a students initial goal is the understanding of what's involved with the physical application of the instructed techniques.  
 As with most things, understanding a tuite technique is an incremental learning process. Many of the instructed techniques require more than a passing attempt at understanding their execution. 
 Unfortunately, the majority of what I've observed over the years have been attempts at physically forcing the techniques to occur (and usually demonstrated by individual's large enough to make that possible). 
  The reactions that they usually elicit are superficial (at best) with little to no controlling ability. That ability can only come about with the understanding of every aspect of a technique's application, which will then bestow the ability to change and manipulate those perimeters during a techniques application.

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