Sunday, June 30, 2013

Defensive Attitude

 When someone has a strong (enough) desire to beat someone else (i.e. “you”) into a bloody pile of body parts, there is nothing that you can do to deter that desire (especially when that individual is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol).

  What can be done, is to limit their physical ability to carry through with that desire. This commonly entails nullifying (enough of ) the physical ability of that individual before they are able do the same (or worse) to yourself. Though numerous systems utilize some manner of “pain” compliance, that premiss (of “effectiveness”) becomes irrelevant if/when the individual is under the influence of any elicit substance, Drugs and/or Alcohol.

  It is with that premiss, that we train our students in Oyata's Life-Protection Art. The types/manner of strikes and manipulations that we instruct our students to utilize will function regardless of an aggressor's size, strength or mental/physical state.

  When one first considers the variety of possible ways that someone could assault them, it can be very disheartening. Oyata taught us to categorize those manners into separate groupings. An aggressor can Punch/Strike you, they can Kick you, or they can Grab/Push you. At most, an aggressor is able to combine 2 of these actions (and that's “iffy”). Unless that aggressor is wielding a weapon, these are the only manners of (physical) aggression possible.

  The most probable of these 3 manners, is dependent upon the social situation. Though the majority of schools/systems train their students to defend against aggressive “strangers”, the odds (as well as the police reports) demonstrate the most likely “threat” will come from someone you know (if not being related to, i.e. friend, family member, spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.).

  The social situation can also dictate whether an aggression is that of an “Alpha”(type) of aggression, or that of the “Predator”(type). It's important to understand the differences between the two. In an Alpha situation, there is a chance of verbally deescalating the situation (a simple apology?). When dealing with a “Predator” (type) situation, there would need to be an obvious “threat” (i.e. Police/Security presence and/or assistance immediately available) to deter them.

  Either of these types of aggressor, can place you in the situation of a verbal confrontation (that is likely to escalate to becoming a physical one).

  The “average” (verbal) confrontation is made at “arm's length”(distance). This is (also) the common distance for conversation between two individual's. As/if this distance closes, one's anxiety level will increase as well. If/when the distance is greater than arm's length (separation), there is little (if any) intimidation/physical threat being recognized (verbal threats are counter productive, and “hollow” in their ability to intimidate unless that distance is closed).

  Having verbal “skills” is just as important as possessing any physical defensive capability’s. Our purpose is training our students in the physical aspect of Life-Protection, not “Social-Positioning”. The ability to swallow one's pride (and sacrifice one's peer-position among stranger's) is more important to defending their life than any pride based physical actions are (and are more often than not counter-productive to Life-Protection).

  Once a confrontation has begun, it is our goal (in training our students) to neutralize the aggressor's physical ability to continue that aggression. This can be accomplished through physically disabling their limbs, or through shocking their neural capability's (often via a “knock-out” type of strike).   
 Person's often assume that placing someone unconscious will effect that person for an extended length of time. The average “KO” will last only seconds (which is still more than sufficient time for escape). Even though the individual has only lost (full) conscious for seconds, the effect from the strike will (often) last  for several (5-10) minutes.

  Though the physical ability to perform one of the “KO” (types of) strikes is a fairly simple one, the ability to do so during an (actual) confrontation is more involved (and requires greater practice/ability). Students often get the mistaken belief that “all” they need to learn/practice is how to “knock somebody out” (and then they can defend themselves). There's more to it than that, LOL.

  Namely, if you get “Punched/Hit” (in the head) first, it's unlikely that you'll be doing anything (defensively speaking). This is why our students first focus on how to prevent that strike from occurring.

  It's initially important to understand “how” someone is able to strike you (as well as how they can't). Being that the majority of people are right-handed, we'll look at that hand first.

  Presuming that the hand is at the person's side (which provides it the most options), that hand has to raise (in order to hit you in the face). Stand in front of a mirror, and watch your shoulder as you (quickly) raise your hand (as if to strike your image in the mirror).   
 With minimal practice, you can see it's difficult to move the hand at all (without it being apparent through the shoulder's motion). You can do so with only minimal movement being done by that shoulder as you begin the strike (but only at a significant loss of any power being included in that strike).

  The point being, is that you don't need to watch an aggressor's hand's (when they're at the aggressor's sides) just watch their shoulder's. If/when an aggressor has them folded across their chest, they're attempting to look confident (which generally means their not). This position only affords them the ability to “backhand” with any (extra?) speed as well as being a “cover” for chest/belly region (which we don't strike at anyhow, LOL).

  Aggressor's do not approach you with their arm's extended (unless they're reaching to grab you), this is a defensive position. An aggressor (looking to begin a confrontation) will have their elbows bent, ready to extend (as either a grab, or a strike). Their hands will be at waist/chest level (open or closed). Those that put their hands in front of their face, have never been in a real confrontation before (they might have limited experience “sparring”, in which case that person's legs should be repeatedly targeted). 
  One of the first motions taught to our students, is the Cover-Parry/Strike motion. This motion will protect the user despite which technique (or hand) that the aggressor uses (or where they are targeting their strike). It is designed to (initially) cover the face/head area, but with practice is used for most any aggressive hand/arm action attempted (by the uke/aggressor). I provided (superficial) explanations of the various methods of this techniques application in previous postings (in addition to explaining how the motion is used in response to either of the aggressor's hands being utilized). 
 Student's are also introduced to the initial "Tuite" techniques that are taught in Oyata's Life-Protection Methodology. The first techniques are for arm grabs as well as the "pushes" that commonly occur at the beginning of a confrontation. Though seeming to be "unlikely" occurrences, it is demonstrated how these simplistic techniques have numerous "real-world" application. 
 Life-Protection training involves more than just learning technique applications and kata. It also includes the recognition of situations that should alert the student to trigger their defensive attitude.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your right on Open hand, it's more overall ability that wins in the end, not just buying a Dillmanite DVD :))