Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Defensive “Fallacies”

  I was viewing a popular lecturer's video clips, and was taken by how much (of what was being shown) was based on the (physical) size and strength of the defender (tori).
  When I first began (my own) study of the defensive arts, the popular “sales pitch”, was that the “little” guy/gal would be able to defend themselves from the (bigger/stronger) “bad guy”. With the introduction of MMA (types of) “sporting” events, that concept seems to of been abandoned (again regulating the “little” guy/gal to the “helpless” category).
  Much of what I'm seeing (via “U-Tube” videos and such) is a bunch of “bigger” guys, out muscling their aggressive actions. I suppose as long as “you” are a bigger guy, this is fine (?). But if your a smaller male or female (or even older), your S.O.L. (as far as making any of their “stuff” work).
  In the 30+ years I've been teaching, I've never counted on strength being a determining factor for a technique to accomplish it's intended purpose. When I see these types of applications, all I see is that they (might) work for “bigger” guys, but how is a smaller female (who might not be as large/strong as an equivalently sized male) supposed to accomplish that application?
  It's no wonder that the “MMA” types of defensive applications have become “popular”, the majority of their followers/students are young, strong, and male. These types of students don't (really) need any “special” training (to be able to defend themselves).
  The only thing being offered, is the (supposedly) “magical” concept of “Kyusho”. This stuff is supposed to work on “anybody/anywhere/ anytime"...yeah,..right. Not that “I” don't utilize these types of strikes (we do teach them), but acquiring the ability to use them takes time. They also don't replace basic defensive actions and abilities (despite all the claims made to the contrary).
  Almost everything that I observed (on-line) was based upon unrealistic scenarios, that culminated in a wrestling match between the 2 involved parties (aka, an “MMA” match). Maybe this happens in somebody else's world, but it hasn't (and isn't) occurring in mine.
  I've (pretty much) managed to avoid getting into (physical) altercations to begin with. But I do get to watch many of these “events” go down, LOL. I NEVER see them occur as they are being depicted by these “Seminar” (clowns) experts.
  There's commonly 3-6 “punches” thrown, then (somebody) “clinches” and (if they're stupid) they go to the ground “wrestling” around, and the Bigger guy has the littler guy controlled/subdued (and example of “might makes right”). I don't agree that it's how “all” confrontations will/should end, it's just what is often observed and exampled (on U-Tube and in real life).
  For the most part, “trained” individuals don't get into fights. Only Stupid people get into fights/altercations. The majority of trained individual's are aware of how to avoid doing so. That doesn't mean they never will, only that it isn't that common.
  Our training is designed for individual's (male or female) who aren't able to avoid being involved in those situations. Regardless of the circumstances, they have a need to protect themselves (and maybe avoid causing serious injury to their aggressor).
  This is often (almost) contrary to what is being taught by the “common” martial arts school. We don't emphasize “sparring” (because it isn't realistic) and we don't condone “fatal” techniques as being legitimized because your “defending” yourself. Those manner of techniques are (more often) illegal and (completely) unjustified.
  What we do teach, is how a student can protect themselves from receiving (serious) injury, and how to inflict (enough) injury upon an aggressor that they will (either) be unable to continue their aggressive actions and/or be placed in a position of submission (allowing for either Law Enforcement to deal with them, or allow for the escape of the student).
  This isn't as glamorous as many of the methods being taught today, but it is definitely more practical


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