Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Viability of Headlocks, and Control Techniques

  I recently viewed a blog that was addressing head-locks. I'm not a big fan of head-locks, but I can see how one can fall into one (either performing, or receiving).

  Before I began studying RyuTe, the majority of head-locks that I'd been exposed to, only restrained the person (somewhat). Their arms remained free to do what-ever (hardly an effective manner of restraint). Taika showed us his method of applying a head-lock, and it elicited a completely different reaction from the recipient.

  Taika's version, caused the recipient to (immediately) pull their own hands towards their own face/neck/chest (it would vary per individual) and they were unable to reach any other location (upon the tori). Likewise, he showed an escape (from an improperly applied head-lock). This was a simple pressure point application that usually causes the recipient to reel backwards (screaming) as it is applied (my students do not like to practice this technique, LOL).

  Either if these (Taika's version of the head-lock, or the escape) are simple enough, that excessive practice is rarely required to become proficient at them. Previously (in my experiences), I had been subjected to practicing elaborate throws, reversals and attempts at strikes that were all subject to the uke's physical build and/or pain resistance threshold.

  As I mentioned, head-locks are not a personally preferred application. I (still) envision the drugged-up crackhead who feels nothing being the individual that I wind-up attempting to apply one upon (call me paranoid, LOL). I feel more comfortable with an arm/leg restraint. If I disassemble someones limb, at least they can't hit me with it, if they get free.

  The application of a controlling technique upon a (single) limb, is often viewed as being inadequate for (truly) controlling an individual. This belief is most usually accepted by individual's that haven't had the techniques properly applied (many times including BTW, L.E. Officer's). I've stated (repeatedly) that the worst example of an arm-bar application, is usually done by a Police Officer. Very often they're able to accomplish the task, but it wears ME out just Watching them.

  The arm-bar, is only a transitional technique. It's intent, is to motion the individual into a safer position (for the applier) before a more effective controlling position/technique is applied.

  The problem with any controlling position/technique (for civilians) is the practicality of their application. Circumstances have to allow for their application. When those circumstances don't exist, then higher levels of injury (to an assailant) are usually required to assure the tori's safety.

  It's for that reason (the lesser requirement of inflicting injury) that I prefer to utilize controlling techniques. I have no problem with escalation, but why go there, if it's unnecessary? Even if you ignore the (possible) legal consequences of doing so, it just seems petty to me.

  It could be argued that escalation involves less physical effort, which (you would think) would interest me, but maybe it's the technical challenge of applying the technique that holds my fascination.
 Nah, I just enjoy causing the guy pain and humiliation by holding them there. And, if I leave no permanent marks or injury, it's harder for them to press charges if he gets a shyster lawyer. LOL.

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