Friday, May 13, 2011

What constitutes a technique being “Tuite”

  Though not being a really big deal, we have always categorized our technique's into separate groupings (Combination's, & Tuite). This was done mostly for our own benefit (for writing them down), but it did make it easier for distinguishing between them.
  Well, (to add to our frustration, LOL) Taika was asked (by my associate), and he stated that arm-bars, shoulder-locks etc. are (also) considered to be Tuite. This doesn't (really) change anything (in regards to how we teach), other than a (minor) change in paperwork.
  Though this may create a bookwork headache (for us, LOL), the change is not that big of a deal. The logic behind it makes sense, Tuite, means “grab-hand”, which has always been understood to be either the uke or the tori grabbing (something). We, had (simply) limited it, to only be in regards to wrist manipulation (not including all of the possible arm manipulations of the uke).
  Oh well, .... the next question (for us) is how to differentiate between the individual manners/types (of Tuite). My first inclination is to do so by “joint-type” (wrist, elbow, shoulder, etc.). I'm thinking this may prove easier than I first believed (going against my usually pessimistic nature, LOL).
  We will still differ from most of the Internet claims (that have Tuite being strikes, throws, kyusho, and anything else that they can think of). Granted, Tuite techniques can include (from their additional use) any of those subjects, but that doesn't (also) make them Tuite (In our opinion, well, unless/until Taika tells us otherwise, LOL).
  I've found it interesting that (other) system's would choose to begin utilizing the term Tuite. If they had decided to use the term Torite, it wouldn't of been that big of a deal, but by using the term Tuite, they are (directly) attempting to equate what they teach, to what Taika teaches (which BTW, it isn't).
  I have explained elsewhere, that this was a word created by Taika. It is not a word in common usage, so the (obvious) only reason for it's usage, is to associate/equate (whatever) they teach to Taika's technique's.
  Those technique's (taught by others) are often similar, so I can understand the mistake being made by them, but the fine points of the individual technique's execution are performed differently. I have had numerous individual's attempt to make this equation of technique application (upon myself), and though sometimes close, none have been the same.
  Those differences are often minor (hence their dismissal of importance). Though being (only) minor would imply that the (alternate) method would work (and they usually will), they also offer numerous opportunities for being countered, (and/or not working on certain individual's).
  Claims of immunity from Tuite technique's application(in general) are false. These are commonly cases of misapplication (of the technique in question). What is usually being assumed, is that the technique must cause/create pain. Pain, is not the primary result from a Tuite technique's application. Pain tolerance varies from person to person. If/when pain is being used as a standard (for correct technique application), then the technique is being practiced incorrectly.
  For the majority of individual's, the application of a Tuite technique will cause/create a painful reaction/result. Regardless, this is only a supplemental reaction. The primary purpose, is the uke's (whole) body reaction to the technique's implementation (whether the technique causes/creates a painful reaction or not).
  The application of a Tuite technique requires an understanding of the body's natural ranges, and limitations. Student's are shown and demonstrated, the various limbs ROM and limitations. Though the majority are (already) known (by the students), the correct/efficient manor of exploiting the limits of those ranges is not always realized.
Even after student's are made aware of these ranges, opportunities for their exploitation are often overlooked, or (again) are not realized. Because of the (very) possible occurrence of injury, our practice of these technique's is kept at a (very) slow speed.
  As we explain the various limbs ROM, we demonstrate the relevant positional considerations. Understanding that the hand's rotational position will effect the remainder of the arm's ROM, becomes important in numerous arm manipulation technique's. This knowledge similarly aids in a student's execution of Tuite.
  Though being only a piece of RyuTe's instruction, Tuite is one of the most popular pieces of it's methodology (IMO, equal to kyusho). Tuite, like any other manipulation method requires extensive amounts of practice, and requires experience with multiple body-types of uke's (Large, small, strong, weak, tall, short). If/when that experience is limited to only a few of these, mistaken assumptions can be made in it's general application (if not instruction).

When I observe example's (of others versions of these technique's) on the Internet, I mostly see individual's muscling the uke into submission. This is fine (for that individual), as long as their aggressor's are always smaller/weaker than themselves. Our Litmus test for an application's correctness, is from having our smallest/weakest student applying the technique upon the largest/strongest person in the class. Equally surprising, can be the reverse situation (the Largest/strongest individual applying the technique upon the smallest/weakest student). This often examples the fact that muscling a technique doesn't always work.
  When requested to explain a particular Tuite application (here), I'm often hesitant to do so. Not because of any “Secrets” being revealed, LOL, but because the situation will often dictate the application method.
  Tuite technique's are taught in a manner that illustrates the particulars of the individual technique (ie. A situation where the technique could possibly be utilized). The odds of a student (actually) being in that exact situation are often remote. The legitimate situations that these technique's could be used, are momentary at best. The more common occurrence is if/when the situation is set-up and/or created (by the tori).

  Personal experience has shown this to be easier than one would first believe. We encourage student's to practice creating these set-up situations. Obviously, just from knowing these technique's, student's are (themselves) hesitant to grab one another (when being an uke). But experience has shown that (when properly done) these situations are not that difficult to create. Impacting (types of) technique's are the more commonly expected (and utilized) manner of aggression. Grabs, are (usually) only momentary, and are used as a pre-striking action (usually to clear the way, and/or position the tori in order to deliver the strike).
  Rather than waiting for the uke to (in some way) grab them, the tori provides the obstacle for the uke to move (out of their way). The uke's thoughts are (commonly) on hitting the tori, by placing the hand/arm in the way of doing so, the tori is interrupting that plan. The simplest action (in the uke's mind) is to move the obstacle, and that involves grabbing and/or pushing it aside (thus, creating the grab situation for the use of tuite).

  For many, this is far too involved, to be applicable. Having done so (numerous times), it's easier than one would first suspect. The problem-solving capabilities of an enraged individual (which is usually the case in the average fisticuffs exchange), are extremely limited and are therefor, kept simple (in order to not interrupt their initial plan, which is to hit you). 
  By attempting this manner of defense, the tori sacrifices nothing. The hand/arm placed between the uke and themselves still serves the purpose of being an obstacle (from being struck), and forces the aggressor to modify their initial attack-plan. Anything that causes the aggressor to (have to) modify their initial plans and/or causes hesitation, will allow the tori/defender to (either) consider/initiate their own actions, or to vacate the scene.

  From reading, and/or being (constantly) told, that Tuite is impractical for application in a “real” confrontation, many have actually began to believe it. Considering how it's use is often taught (in these other system's that keep saying so), I can understand why it may be believed to be true. I would also agree that it isn't always practical to utilize those types of technique's, but I (also) believe, that Tuite isn't (always) being utilized properly to begin with.

  One cannot pre-plan the opportunity to utilize Tuite. The ability to “Seize the moment” (OK, bad-”pun”) only comes from repeated practice of those brief opportunities for it's application. 


1 comment:

Lee Richards said...

Though people may perceive it as impractical, I can say first hand that in law enforcement I have used it countless times against pushes, grabs, pulls, slaps and many other situations. Law Enforcement places you in a slightly different state of mind but I have been amazed through my nearly 20 years how often I've just naturally flowed into it. And that is just the wrist lock variety as we've come to broaden our definition. Arm bars shoulder locks are extremely common, particularly in L.E.