Of the numerous "saying's"
that we utilize in our instruction of Oyata Te, one of the more
commonly heard ones, is Face Your Threat. Though being a
seemingly obvious statement, it is also a commonly misapplied
As with the majority of the instructed
motions, whether a “strike”, a “Parry” or the application of
a Tuite technique, the student should align their (entire) body to be
utilized with the technique being attempted (that of their own
body, not with the opponent's). What is more commonly
seen, is that the student will (often) choose to align their body
with the opponent's “center-line” (meaning their chest, or
face), and not upon the (actual) threat being applied
by the opponent (commonly their striking limb).
If/When making this attempt,
one will observe the student's arm's motioning outside of
their effective range for technique use/application. Will (can?) that
motion still achieve an effective defensive action? Yes, but
it will require a greater commitment and greater physical
effort on the part of the student (in addition to requiring higher
levels of arm motion/speed
and strength to
achieve their intended purpose). Doing so will also create a
greater “recovery” time (for the striking arm's use in any
required additional applications).
By (simply) rotating their body to
“face” the actual “threat” (the opponent's striking
limb), the student is more (easily, and effectively) able to
utilize their arm's in achieving the purpose of the defensive motions
being utilized. Though being a (seemingly) slight variance,
this minor rotation (of the student's body) changes the range
(and the effectiveness) of the student's limb motion (being
used in their defensive application).
In addition to this use in responsive
(defensive) actions, the same principle is used with the
application of those techniques being utilized by the student
(upon the opponent/Uke). When applying a manipulation technique upon
the arm/wrist (of an opponent), the student will (or should) “face”
the opponent's opposite arm/side (I.E. when applying a
technique upon the subject's “right-arm”, the Tori should “face”
(their body) towards the Uke's “left-side”, which is the actual
“threat” at that time, during the
technique's application). Student's will (often) attempt to
align (their entire body) towards the “center-line” of the Uke.
Doing so will require that the student expend greater/higher levels
of force (muscle) to achieve the desired reaction (by the
Uke). If/when dealing with a larger/stronger opponent, this makes the
application of the technique more difficult to achieve the
desired results (if any).
The use of this meme, is (often)
the student's introduction to an example for, Force Efficiency.
This principle is present in every (physical) motion taught and
utilized in the Oyata Te system. It is present in every
stance, every strike and every application taught. When
a student is having difficulty with a technique, their “first”
concern should be with their use/application of Force Efficiency.
When shown a defensive action, the
student initially faces the impending threat, having responded to it, their
attention is diverted to the next (imminent) "threat"
(commonly from the Uke's opposite side). To accomplish this may
require the student to realign (and/or "Rotate") their body
in order to effectively do so. If/when the student attempts to (only)
"twist" (their upper-body) to respond to the
next/additional "threat", they will be slower and
demonstrably "weaker" (with that attempt).
This can be (obviously) demonstrated by
having student's attempt to “punch” (a bag or hand target) on one
side of their body, with the opposite side's arm (without rotating
their hip's/body or shoulder's). Even when allowed to rotate their
shoulders (alone), there will only be a (minorly) appreciable
increase of (delivered) “Power/Momentum” if/when the hips
are included with that rotation. That level of (delivered) momentum,
can be further increased, with the inclusion of the
knee's/feet being rotated towards the location of the desired impact.
This demonstrates another example for the principle of Ka han
shin, Ja han shin (“Upper
controls Lower, Lower controls Upper”).
Oyata showed/taught us that one's (arm)
“techniques” should be applied (upon an opponent) within (what we
refer to as being) the “zone/area of application”. This is
(roughly) the area within the user's (own) shoulder width
(horizontally), and between the (user's) “cheek” level and the
“hip's” (vertically). Any (arm) application that is attempted
“outside” of this area, requires the student to realign
their body (to make the desired motion/application occur within that
Force Efficiency encompasses numerous
factors, but the main concern/relevancy is in regards to the
application of the user's (Tori's) motion (of their limb's and torso
during the application of a technique).
The Awareness (and use) of this
understanding can be used to recognize the strengths/weaknesses of an
opponent/aggressor as well.