Friday, March 9, 2018

New Zealand Seminar

 Well, my associate has returned from his attendance of a seminar that he was invited to teach at recently. The seminar was hosted by the Ryukenkan Dojo in New Zealand. From the postings I've seen on Facebook (and the comments included with them) it appears that they were pleased with what was shown. The intent of the seminar was to (personally) introduce and demonstrate the numerous aspects of Oyata Te's methodology to this school, and to provide answers to the (numerous) questions that they had in regards to it's study and practice.
Although this school had prior experience with (several) systems that taught similar methodologies, they apparently were interested in comparing what they had previously learned with the instruction that we are able to provide. I've (at yet) recieved no correspondance (myself) from them (to directly know their opinion on what was shown to them) but I did see a notation by one of the attendee's (in regards to the seminar) and my associate tells me that he recieved very favorable feedback while he was there.
Fortunately (for myself), my associate video recorded various pieces of the seminar, mainly for our own reference in regards to any future presentations (whether with them or with others) so I have a feel for how they are inclined to perform certain motions (and how that material had been shown to them).
I believe the original format (of the seminar) was intended to be in regards to weapon's training (?), but my associate stated that he gravitated towards Tuite practice (from the feedback that he was receiving from various student attendee's). I was told that there was some discussion (with the instructors) in regards to differences in how Kata was to be practiced, but I'm (at this time) unclear as to the extend of those conversations.
From an "instruction" perspective, I'm curious to review the video that Lee recorded (to observe the general reactions by the attendee's) to what was shown, and how well they comprehended the shown material. He was informed that some (1 or 2) of them may "drop by" this summer to attend our class (to see what "our" classes are like) which should be enjoyable. Our classes are (definitely) conducted differently (from the average "karate" class).
Though having practiced similar methodology's, I found it interesting to hear of the (numerous) differences that existed between those systems (and our own). Although those (other) systems presumably came from a similar (if not the same) source (I.E. Oyata), the presenters of that information (from those other systems) seem to have often came to different conclusions (as to what was being provided by my associate).
I feel obliged to note that I have not communicated (directly) with any of those attendee's (of this seminar), so I can only relay what was told to me by an (obviously) "Biased" source (my associate). Dispite that bias, I have full faith in that source, so I expect that what he says is completely accurate.
We'll have to see if (any) of those individual's "drop by" (this summer), and/or I can receive some direct feedback on their opinion of the provided seminar.

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