A common class period is
spent learning new individual application motions. These can
consist of singular actions, as well as several defensive
combination motions. During the “formation” portion of the class
is when these singular actions are reviewed, and corrected.
During the application
portion of our class we combine these individual motions to be
applied in (either) successive or collective
applications (commonly being practiced in 1-3 Step kumite exercises).
The most common
misunderstanding, is that the application of these motions are
not “set in stone”. They are completely capable of
being (instantly) modified to deal with a continually changing
As with anything, there
first needs to be established a foundation set of
guidelines/priority's for determining these motions acceptance
of/for use.
These guidelines should
be established as being general in
their use. To begin with, let's examine the (required)
general preferences (for a motion/technique to be considered as being a legitimate action/technique).
#1 The Motion's Priority,
Is to Protect the User.
#2 The Motion Should Be
as Natural as is Practical.
#3 The Motion Should Be
Able to be Performed Equally by the
Majority of Individual's.
Majority of Individual's.
#4 The Motion Should Not
be Orientated to Either (Specific) Side
of the User (Right/Left).
of the User (Right/Left).
#5 The Motion Should Not
be Dependent Upon the Size or Strength
of either the User (tori), or the Receiver (uke).
of either the User (tori), or the Receiver (uke).
This is not to say, that
there won't be some motions/techniques that fall outside
of these guidelines. Only that they may very well not be
suitable for use by every individual (student) in every
In addition to these
general guidelines, there are additionally some specific
preferences that we also attempt to adhere to. These were Regularly
voiced by Taika, and have become the cornerstone of his teachings.
Size/Strength (alone) is
not Relevant to a Technique's
Utilize 3
Defensive Motions at Once
Avoid Moving directly to
the Rear
Hand Motions Work Best,
Above the Waist,
Leg Motions Work
Best, Below the waist.
Always Face Your Opponent
Learn Your Own
Weaknesses, In Order to Know Your Enemy's
These guidelines were
neither revolutionary or prophetic. In most cases, they are only the
obvious. Despite that fact, many systems attempt to (over)
emphasize training methods and technique's that are (either) counter
productive or ineffective/impractical for the (average) student.
There are various tenet's
that are followed while practicing the instructed technique's. These
tenet's are followed without the common fanfare that seems to be
attached to most rules of technique practice. They are as follows:
The Majority of an
aggressor's strikes are directed toward the defender's head.
Therefore, the Uke's
strikes can initially be presumed to be directed at the tori's head.
As both tori and uke become more familiar with the motions, the
location of where an uke's additional strikes may be directed can be
Strikes emanate from
shoulder height and below.
any defensive actions should initially be performed at “chin”
height (or below).
The Aggressor (Uke)
will utilize multiple strikes/motions.
a defensive application is understood, the practice of those motions
should include multiple
striking attempts when/if possible.
punches are circular than straight.
should consist of 60% circular strikes being made by the uke.
The Uke should attempt
to “counter” the tori's strikes (when able).
While practicing
(understood) defensive actions, the uke should attempt to include any
“counter's/follow-ups” that they remain able to perform.
The uke's strikes
should penetrate to an effectual limit
(If the tori should miss
their defensive counter, the uke's strike will connect).
If/when the uke is too far away (from the tori) to “contact” with
their strike, they are not representing an active part of the
training process.
Technique's are
practiced at arm's length distance.
Tori and Uke are an arm's
length apart. This is the standard confrontation “distance”.
For both Tuite and
Strike defense practice, varied clothing should be rotated.
Variance in student
clothing should be included in training to simulate any applicable
differences in their training.
Oyata taught that a
student will have a “strong” hand, and a “fast” hand. Their
strong hand was usually their dominant side hand, and
their fast hand, was the other. For that reason, Oyata would
have students “strike” with their non-dominant hand twice as much
as with their dominant (to “build” it's strength/power). He would
also have them practice cover/deflecting motions using their
dominant hand (to build it's speed/control). Oyata was
(basically) ambidextrous, he could utilize either hand,
equally (and didn't understand when a student couldn't do so). He
believed it to be a “Flaw” from being born a Westerner,
(which was his “Joke”).
In Oyata's methodology,
students begin with simplistic exercises to familiarize the student
with the performance of the instructed motions. That practice begins
with the student working on the Initial Defensive Combination. This
combination introduces the student to the utilization of 3 defensive
motions used in unison.
It's accepted that it is
impossible to be certain how an aggressor will begin an aggressive
action. Even though we can not be certain of what an aggressor will
(initially) do, we are aware of what actions are most
likely to be used. This is based on (both) personal experience, and
on (police) records of physical assaults.
The most common “first”
action (on the part of an aggressor) is a punch directed at
the tori's head/face or at/upon the student's abdomen. Being that
it's rare that the tori would (specifically) know which hand an
aggressor would use (to hit them with), the first instructed motion
will defend against either hand being used (by the aggressor).
This attempt is (most) commonly an attempt to hit the head/face of
the defender (tori). The next factor to consider (defensively), is
how that strike will be delivered.
There are only four ways
that a punch can be thrown (using either arm). The most common
is a “Roundhouse” punch. The second most popular is a “cocked”
straight punch. Next is a punch thrown from the waist, and finally an
“uppercut” punch. Additionally, the tori can't be certain which
hand will be utilized for delivering that punch.
The first instructed
(defensive) “combination” will work regardless of which arm or
striking method is used. It is intended to provide an effective
response regardless of which striking method is used (and the same
motion can also be used against either arm being used by the
This (the most commonly taught “first” defensive
combination) motion can be successively used against any of the
aforementioned striking actions that might be utilized. It adheres to
all of the defensive application guidelines, and meets all of Oyata's
technique preferences.This motion will introduce the student to Oyata's defensive methodology, and provide them with an (initial) defensive technique that can be used in a fairly short amount of practice time. That doesn't mean that it's necessarily simple, but compared to many commonly used methods, it utilizes simple to learn motions that can be naturally executed in a (comparatively) short amount of time.
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