This is commonly the second “Application” technique that we
teach to our student's. This is a simple, but often
miss-applied technique. This motion teaches the student
the correct manor of application and enactment of it's use.
Although many students have seen the technique (and may very well
have utilized forms of it) this will describe the details of it's
application. In this explanation, we will use the uke's Right arm for
the (following) example of it's application.
Establishing Initial Placement
We will start with the tori holding the uke's Right
wrist, while standing slightly behind, and to the Right of the uke,
using the hand furthest from the uke's body (in this example,
the tori's Right hand). It needs to be mentioned, that when the tori
takes hold of the uke's wrist, the tori should make note of the 2
bones of the uke's forearm (the ulnar, and radius). Using the grip of
those two bones, allows for the tori to rotate the arm and then be
conscious of the possible directions that the uke can/can't
bend that arm's elbow (additionally, the tori will then be aware of
which direction is against the elbow).

the “Break-over”
After taking hold of the uke's wrist, the Tori will
begin with motioning that wrist in a circular action. The motion will
first move the uke's arm forward (to the front of the uke),
then motion it towards the opposite side of the uke, and then back (in
a small circular motion).
During this circular action,
when the arm begins to motion back (towards the uke's
side), the tori's Left arm, will roll the uke's triceps muscle
tendon towards the front of the uke. As this begins to cause
the uke to lean forward, the tori will lift the hand being
held with their own Right hand, straight up, in front of the
tori. This lifting action, is pivoted off of the tori's Left
forearm (acting as it's pivot point).
The motion should NOT be
attempted to only be accomplished by forcing/striking with the Tori's Left arm (in this example)
down/forward (nor ever, from striking the back of the
uke's arm). The pivot point/fulcrum, is only to act for that
purpose, and not utilized in an attempt to initially force the
person down. Once the uke has been bent-over (at the waist),
then, the tori's Left forearm can be used to apply additional
pressure to the uke's triceps tendon (which will create a knee-buckle).
Take-Down Methods
Once the uke “breaks-over”, it will be necessary
to take them to the ground. There are several methods to accomplish
this. The “first” (and most obvious) is to apply pressure to the
back of the uke's arm(slightly above the elbow (this is actually
applying pressure to the tendon of the triceps muscle). By varying the
angle of that pressure, it's possible to direct the uke's direction
of break down.
If the situation necessitates it (if the Tori is
experiencing difficulties), Tori can knee spear the uke, in
order to attain a knee-buckle response (from the uke). Once
that is done, the tori can apply pressure to the upper back of the
uke's arm while dragging the uke sideways (to force them
It's also possible to direct the uke upward
(initially) from rolling the uke's triceps muscle towards the uke's
back, and continue circling this pressure around the uke's
arm, until the uke is raising up (to stand on the "ball's" of
their feet in order to comply with the applied pressure), this should
only be maintained for a (very) short period of time, before
reversing the applied pressure, forcing the uke to the ground.
In extreme circumstances, the arm-bar's pressure can
be reversed (using the “held” hand as the fulcrum point
and applying pressure to the upper arm to accomplish a take-down.
This method tends to be dependent upon physical strength, so
should ONLY be attempted for comparison reasons (preferably,
only in a class environment).
I'm aware that numerous systems utilize similar (if
not the same technique), and was curious if anyone taught any
additional principles or methods of application. If you are familiar
with any simpler methods or useful “hint's” to it's instruction,
or application, feel free to share them.
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