This “Blog” will discuss various techniques (from my own “point of view”), training methodologies, and applications used and taught by myself in the art of “Te”. It will often focus upon the instructed art of “Tuite”, as taught to me by Taika Seiyu Oyata.
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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Practicing to Get What's Available (Out of a Punch)
I've been reading numerous articles lately, regarding "How to Punch". I understand the desire to have student's perform them correctly, but I don't understand the disparity between the system's/instructor's that seems to permeate the industry.
The physical performance of a "punch", is simply the rapid forward motioning of the hand (of which has often had the finger's gathered, if not rolled into a "ball", and is then further referred to as being a fist). This "fist" is then moved with a rapidly executed forward motion, which then impacts a "target", using the fore-knuckles of that hand. The preferred target location, is commonly the head/face of an opponent (whether performed as an aggressive act, or as a part of a competitive sport).
The common belief, is that one needs to possess great strength (preferably) to accomplish anything when utilizing this (type of) strike. I've expressed my own beliefs regarding the “punching of someone in the mouth” before, so it's (generally) understood (by my reader's anyway) that I don't view it as being an effective manor of (actually) neutralizing an aggressor.
Regardless, the ability to “punch” (effectively), is something that we have our student's train/strive to accomplish. We provide Taika's (system's) methodology to that endeavor, and utilizing those methods, our student's are (commonly, LOL) able to produce sufficient transfer of energy/momentum into a target (uke), to produce effective results.
This is began with learning to produce a “basic”(?) punch. Considering that our lightest student is (I'm guessing) around 95#, that would (presumably) have a potential of delivering (at minimum) a 95# worth of mass, at how-ever fast that student can move their (whole) body (which will increase the amount of transferred energy).
Unfortunately, the majority of (at least “new”) students aren't able to coordinate their (entire) body sufficiently, to be able to produce an efficient delivery of that mass and momentum. To that end, we begin our students in the practice of (what Taika referred to as) performing a “Power-Punch”. This initial form of (this) practice, is to learn the beginning concepts of proper delivery of body mass.
The practice is began when the student is first shown how to practice a punch (itself) in the air. While standing in a Horse Stance,the student will alternate (Right/Left) the act of punching directly to their front. Some system's teach to punch to the center of the student's body, Taika has shown us that this is incorrect (and frankly seems a little stupid when you think about it, LOL).
We have our students punch directly ahead of the punching arm's shoulder (to the same location that the hand would be if raised straight ahead, as if raised when the arm was hanging naturally at the tori's side). When practicing “punching” while in a Horse-Stance, the hands will (initially) be placed to begin their motion, to the front of the hips, bending the elbows slightly, in order to accomplish this positioning.
This is done (initially) to deter the student from the desire to “cock” the punch (commonly seen done by most systems) to the student's side, or even up under/into the armpit. Doing so, will produce the (unnecessary) reflex to “cock” the hand before striking an aggressor (a time-consuming and wasteful if not stupid habit).
When beginning to learn “how” to perform a punch (correctly), it is not uncommon to have the student utilize a pencil with learning the initial motion. This is done by the student placing the pencil between the (inner side of the) Bicep muscle, and the Pectoral muscle (on the chest). The idea, is to perform the punch, while maintaining the pencil's (held) position.
The ability to perform this (albeit minor, LOL) feat, will teach the student to not over-extend/commit the arm, and/or the student's body-weight (ineffectively) into/with a performed strike.
To practice the “Shuffle” Punching method (which is focused more on the inclusion of the tori's entire body-weight), the student will begin in a ready-stance, and perform a “step” forward (to begin with, only the distance of a natural stride/step).
As the student's body-weight begins to transfer to the forward leg (with both knee's being buckled slightly), the striking hand begins it's upward and forward projection (towards the intended target).
The tori's Rear leg, will coordinate with the striking hand, and motion forward (itself) towards the forward leg of the tori.
As the striking hand is extended, it's impact should be coordinated with the arrival of the rear leg's (foot) positioning beside/behind the tori's forward foot. The hand's arrival at it's intended “target” should be concluded with the “milking” action being performed upon the impacted area.
Throughout the entire performance of this motion, the tori's hip's/shoulder's should maintain a “square” positioning, with the striking arm (neither leading nor lagging the strike itself, remaining in synchronicity with the strike).
Though completely usable (in the practiced format), it is the principle that should be learned (and therefor applied) from the performance of the exercise.
ryukyu kempo,
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Progress, or Regress?
While studying Taika
Oyata's system of Life Protection, what was being taught was in a
continual state of modification/improvement. This was being done (by
Taika) in order to move student's closer to how Taika
performed his technique's.
When the board announced
that the (20+ year old “tapes”) would be used as examples
of “kata standards” (for testing purposes), I was
shocked. Frankly, we haven't performed the kata as
demonstrated on those tapes,for
15+ years (?). I'm
forced to presume that
they are meaning only
for the kyu-ranks and
possibly for Shodan (testing?)
purposes. We don't know,
because the association guideline/manual hasn't been released
(yet). Again, (presumably), that manual will be released at this year's Summer Conference.
While some people will
say basic, intermediate
and/or advanced, Taika would only say technique or kata.
Much of what had been taught to student's in the earlier years
(20+ years ago), were (only) stepping stones to what he
intended to eventually (evolve into) becoming his
techniques. This was particularly true with the instruction
of kata.
What Taika had his Yudansha student's teach (to their
students) to prepare for their Shodan Examination, were the commonly
practiced manners of performing the Kata.
Once having completed
that examination, those students would rarely repeat
those kata in that particular manor again (at least for their
own training purposes, and certainly not for the
purpose of further rank examination).
At the Yudansha level
(for his student's, i.e. all the Yudansha, LOL) Taika's
manner of performing the kata (within his system) was
different than what is commonly seen amongst other
Okinawan methodologies. Taika included additional motions
(that had been demonstrated to the membership) that were
expected to be performed when practicing the kata (as well as
during any further rank examinations).
When the student had
completed their Shodan examination, they were expected to
practice all of the (taught) kata, with each of the addendum
motions that Taika had
been demonstrating/teaching.
When viewed in this perspective, it made
(more) sense that someone would spend 10 years working
on a (any) single kata.
The most common response
made (when I make this statement) is that Taika was just “making-up”
his changes/addendum's to the kata. Perhaps, but they each made
sense, each one served a purpose and
after having made
those changes, it feels awkward
(if not stupid) to do
them any other way.
Taika was both extremely talented
and extremely fortunate.
He was fortunate to of
been provided with the guidance and instruction that he received from
two of the last
instructor's from an era
that this information was (actually) used,
and he was talented
enough to be able to expand
upon that information, as well as be able to incorporate it into
everything that he
learned and taught.
Taika often said, anyone
can learn kicky-punchy karate,
only the dedicated
student can learn The Life Protection Arts.
ryukyu kempo,
Sunday, March 10, 2013
(Re) Defining “Basic”
At our school/dojo, we
are consistently refining the kyu-rank requirements
curriculum (for our students). Some would view this as creating
inconsistency (and therefor becoming confusing to our
The changes that have
been made, have been done to make their (our students)
learning easier. To a great degree, those changes have
amounted to the elimination of a number of the (previously
taught) transitional requirements.
As we often do, we were
questioning some of the instructional methods that were being
utilized (both by our school, and others in the industry).
Though agreeing with the concept of staged/transitional
instruction, the idea that those (intermediate) “stages” should
be a part of the student's (rank) grade evaluation, didn't make sense
(to us).
This became most obvious
to us, when students were performing Kata. When a student is
shown the Kata Naihanchi Shodan (which is the first Kata shown to our students), they are shown to perform a skeleton
method of performance for the Kata.
Though technically,
that manor of performing the Kata is correct (to
anyone else, in
another system),
it is not how we (student's of Taika) should be performing the Kata.
IMO, it is unfortunate
that the people who are now running his Association chose to Back-up, and return to how
the Kata was being practiced 20 years ago. Almost as soon as
those “video tapes” (that's how long ago it was...) were
released, Taika began the modifications to how he
wanted the Kata performed (to represent RyuTe, and how he
was teaching it).
Even those tapes stated
that what was shown was the introductory methods of their
performance. What was demonstrated upon those tapes as “advanced”,
are what is now shown (to the student) as soon as the student
is able (commonly within a few weeks/months).
To myself, this amounts
to being a “bait and switch” game. I've watched
instructors (again, from numerous systems) tell a student to do
something one-way, then in a few month's, tell them to do it a
different way (because one is more advanced than the
other). I find this odd, because no mention was made of
the previously shown method as being incomplete or basic?
Taika used to complain
(all the time) about there being no “basic/advanced”
(there was only technique). This was especially true with
kata. We (in our class) were reviewing the performance of a
particular weapon's kata motions, and it was demonstrated how a
particular motion should be performed.
The motion made perfect
sense to all of those who were present, but when asked, Taika
had said that he had to simplify the manor that his student's
(at that time) were performing the kata (because it was too
difficult for those student's to replicate).
Granted, the motion is
difficult/awkward (initially), but once learned (and applied) it
makes perfect sense (and clarifies the “clunky” motions that were
previously being done in the Kata).
Using this example as a
reference, one can easily see how the open-hand Kata
were (often) “simplified” as well. What many people have come to
accept as the “way” that a Kata should be
performed, is not necessarily correct.
Knowing how Taika
(eventually) expected the Kata to be performed, we are
attempting to gravitate our students towards that goal, as
being the one they are striving for, instead of the various
staged levels of “basic” Kata performance (that are
commonly being sold as levels of ability).
ryukyu kempo,
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Is Tuite Necessary?
I've become engaged in numerous instances of debate, over whether the knowledge of tuite is even necessary to be able to defend one's self. And of course, there is still an ever lingering question about the ability to even utilize tuite during an (actual) confrontation.
The short answer
is (obviously) no. But then, neither is the ability to kick
someone, nor even punch
someone. Not possessing knowledge of tuite does not make someone less
able to protect themselves. Much like the possession of a firearm
(automatically) will make someone able to protect themselves either.
are options. Not
every situation may have both
of those options available during their occurrence, but (in general) they can be
available (if/when one should choose
to utilize them).
not every situation necessitates the use of tuite (nor a firearm
if one wishes to propagate that
thread). Likewise, the use of either is not even appropriate
for every situation. Being options,
means that a conscious decision
has to be made to use any
of the variables that are
available to the student.
majority of systems (now) teach some
manner/group of applications that (at least of late) they've began
calling “tuite”. Prior to 20 years ago, the majority of those
same systems had
(either) never heard
of the term, or believed that they (or their students) had any use
for it.
the inclusion of the probability of litigation
to the majority of training programs, awareness of an alternative to
the bludgeoning
defensive methods/systems became a (legal) priority to the survival of most
anyone who has worked with Law Enforcement, the idea of teaching
(typical) “Ka-rotty” to them
was (completely) verboten (the
legal liabilities are cataclysmic).
Tuite is the perfect tool for acquiring access to L.E. Instruction.
When ascertaining the possible legal liabilities
for what's being taught, tuite should hold the least
amount of concern. Considering that much of what I've observed (for
situational responses) has been (IMO) excessive
(to say the least),
tuite provides the student with less
than lethal alternatives that (still) have the ability to be
escalated if/when necessary.
The greatest difficulty in regards to teaching tuite, is transgressing the (steeper) learning curve. Being more involved than simply learning how to punch something, tuite requires an (actual) understanding of joint motions and their limitations.
Acquiring that knowledge takes time (as well as having the experience of practicing those limb manipulations). The greatest mistake that I observe (regarding the practice of tuite) is the mistake of assuming that any reaction, equates to being the (or even "a") correct reaction.
It is those false reactions, that are the nemesis of what is passing for being taught as being (proper/correct) tuite by the majority of schools today.
ryukyu kempo,
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Bizarre Bunkai, and Warped Perceptions
I've mentioned before
that I'm on the E-mailing lists for (most of) the “Fad”
lecturer's. The most recent one that I've received was from England
(from one of the more “popular” Lecture goof's). This one was in
regards to “One-Step Sparring” (and his complete disregard
for it).
Seeing that the subject is one that I consider to be the MOST preferred method of student practice, I had to download his “pod-cast” on the subject. He began by ranting about how useless, and unrealistic it was (for a good 5-minutes), he then began endorsing “Live” practice (for what-ever that vague description was supposed to represent).
I found it amusing that
he felt that 1 through ? (step) sparring was “useless”, yet
endorsed “protective-gear” sparring as being productive? (because
that manner of “sparring” was realistic? WTF?). The majority of what he
considered to be “live” (?), was about as far from reality
as you could get (IMO).
Towards the end of the
pod-cast, he made (passing) mention of Rory Miller's “new” manner
of 1-step sparring. They performed it at “arm's length”(wow!, does that
sound familiar?). He then talked about how this guy had “discovered”
it by accident (practicing technique performance without stepping
rearward into stances), and had only recently (in the past 10
years) been doing it that way.
So now I'm
wondering how big is this rock that all of these guy's
have been living under? The longer I listened to this guy's
Pod-cast, the more out-of-touch I believed him to be.
In our classes, we have
practiced all of our technique's at arm's length for
the past 30+ years! What this guy described as being “1-Step
sparring” was just bizarre, as
in the kind of stuff you see the “kiddie” classes do in practice
(to make them feel-good,
and make sure that no-one get's hurt).
coming to the realization that these people have no idea
how the F*&K to practice technique's, or how to utilize
applications, I moved on to see what else
I'd been receiving in my E-mail.
of those notifications was for a “new” book (for “bunkai”).
They offered a download of the first chapter,...(IMO) don't waste your
time. The book (like most of them seem to, for whatever reason) focused on the Pinan
kata (all 5).
I don't believe that there's only “1” correct
interpretation for the kata motions, I also don't believe that
they're all
counter-punches for strikes
(as this person evidently believes them to be). The concept of “tuite” was one that was presumably too far
beyond that author's
ability to visualize either (as the section that was included for "free" didn't seem to offer any).
At a recent "Shihan-Dai", we were discussing the execution of particular kata motions (from Ni Sei shi kata actually). Tashi Lindquist was reiterating the point that when a clarification is made within a motion for one kata, it should (usually) be made within others as well (when the motion occurs again).
Being that my forearm is injured, I couldn't (really) participate too much in that month's class. That class's weapon emphasis was on the "Combat" Tan-Bo kata. As I've stated before (in prior blog's), I'm not a big "weapon's" fan, but this kata has numerous application opportunities for us (seeing that we do a lot of Law Enforcement training as well).
It's when I'm exposed to these "other" manners of training (that I'm receiving via E-mail), that I really wonder about where these people are acquiring their information from. It's not that what they're doing won't work (although I would be likely to question it quite often), it's just that it is so impractical to either apply, or to use regardless.
At a recent "Shihan-Dai", we were discussing the execution of particular kata motions (from Ni Sei shi kata actually). Tashi Lindquist was reiterating the point that when a clarification is made within a motion for one kata, it should (usually) be made within others as well (when the motion occurs again).
Being that my forearm is injured, I couldn't (really) participate too much in that month's class. That class's weapon emphasis was on the "Combat" Tan-Bo kata. As I've stated before (in prior blog's), I'm not a big "weapon's" fan, but this kata has numerous application opportunities for us (seeing that we do a lot of Law Enforcement training as well).
It's when I'm exposed to these "other" manners of training (that I'm receiving via E-mail), that I really wonder about where these people are acquiring their information from. It's not that what they're doing won't work (although I would be likely to question it quite often), it's just that it is so impractical to either apply, or to use regardless.
Forearm Strike-Neck Strike
This combination motion introduces the student to deadening of
an aggressor's striking arm (via an atemi strike), which is then commonly used in combination with a neck strike. If the
uke has any preexisting neck injury or soreness,
practice of this technique should not be attempted.
Practice of this combination (as with the majority of
others) begins with the tori and the uke standing face to face,
at an arms length/distance from each other (this should be confirmed,
by the tori placing his hand on the shoulder of the uke to establish
proper practice distance).
Technique is began with both parties having their
hands at their sides. When the uke begins their strike, the
tori should motion their non-dominant side hand straight up
(bending at the elbow, until the (open) hand is (essentially) vertical, and then extends forward until it (only) contacts the
inner-side of the aggressor's striking arm (acting as more of an outward parry than
a strike). This should be done in conjunction with the tori
rotating (their hips and torso) to face the approaching
strike attempt.

A variety of striking methods are available, and students are encouraged to experiment with them until they discover which are more comfortable/practical (depending on individual situations).
In the event that the
uke utilizes the arm
from the tori's dominant
hand/arm), the tori's initial (non-dominant) parrying hand will not
have sufficient reach
to parry the attacking limb of the uke. For this reason, the tori's
dominant hand will still
perform it's initial (forward) striking action (upon the uke's Left striking arm), in conjunction with a
rotation away from the strike (which will cause the uke to then be facing the striking hand). As this strike is being done, the
tori's non-dominant hand modifies
it's initial cover/parry, to be utilized as a downward
strike to the mid-section (solar plexus) of the uke.
Though able to be used as described, this strike is
usually done with emphasis being on using the edge of the
hand, and scooping in a downward manner.
As the the Tori's Right (dominant) hand completes it's forward parry/strike, it will then motion (over the top of) the
uke's striking Left arm, further parrying it downward and to the front of the tori, which will motion the strike to the
opposite (and tori's non-dominant) side (doing so, while the
tori rotates his body position back towards facing the uke's dominant side,
to again place themselves on the outer side of the uke's striking
hand. The tori's hand should maintain a constant contact with
the uke's arm while doing this.
Once the uke's hand/arm is transferred
to the tori's opposite side, the tori's (dominant) forearm will
be motioned into position upon the rear of the uke's (left) striking arm. The
tori's arm will rotate (using that forearm as the pivoting location) until the dominant hand is
located (now) above
the uke's arm (making it perpendicular to the uke's arm). This allows
the tori to utilize that forearm to apply pressure upon the uke's
upper arm (slightly above the uke's elbow).
Once the tori's
non-dominant hand has
(if possible) completed it's strike, it then retracts, to then grasp the
uke's (striking hand's) wrist (which was motioned to that side, by the
dominant hand (as described above). With the tori holding the wrist
of the uke's striking hand (with their own non-dominant hand) the tori will
enact an arm-bar using
their non-dominant hand's wrist/forearm
(placed as described above). This motion (the “arm-bar”) can be supplemented with either a neck strike (of several
forms/locations) or can be used to (only) apply controlling point applications.
These two arm motions (and strikes) must be performed
as quickly as possible (with as little time-lapse as possible between
them). The uke's response (to the initial forearm strike) will cause
them to bend at the waist, towards the impacted arm and then withdraw that
stricken arm, turning that side away from the tori (allowing only a
short amount of time to be able to strike that same side of
the uke's neck). Additionally, it is not uncommon for the uke to bend
one, if not both knee's (in an effort to establish their own
The neck strike will slow the uke's rotation, and usually
will cause a knee-buckling response (of it's own), in
conjunction with a retreating action (away from the tori) depending
on the direction of the neck strikes impact. These strikes should
only be done with light to moderate impact during class
practice (and in conjunction with protective padding on the neck to prevent any serious injury to the uke). The result/reaction from
these strikes, amounts to a numb arm and moderate light
headiness(when performed lightly) upon the uke.
As the student becomes more adept with this techniques
execution, the addition of a kick, will add/create
modifications that will need to be practiced with, before their
application to/in an actual defensive situation. Depending on
which leg of the aggressor is struck, different reactions, timings,
as well as any possible follow-ups may, or may not be
Practice (as always) begins at a “slow”
speed, until the tori is confident with the required actions.
Practice speed can be increased so long as both parties are
comfortable with doing so.
There are multiple follow-ups available, and
student's are encouraged to experiment with discovering what would
work best for them (be it Tuite, arm-locks or strikes) in
varying circumstances.
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